Hanna Hartman

(1961 - )

Hanna Hartman is a Swedish sound artist and composer living in Berlin. She studied Literature and Theater history at the Universities of Uppsala and Stockholm, Radio and Interactive Art at Dramatiska Institutet and Elctroacoustic Music at EMS in Stockholm. Since around 1990 she has composed works for radio, sound sculptures and numerous performances all over Europe. More recently, she has started to write pieces for instrumentalists. Her many awards and grants include Prix Europa (1998), the Karl-Sczuka-Preis (2005), the Phonurgia Nova Prize (2006), and a Villa Aurora grant (2010). During 2007 and 2008 she was Composer-in-Residence for Swedish Radio.

Her work has been presented in numereous concerts and festivals. Such as Wittener Tage für neue Kammermusik, Steirische Herbst 2007, Darmstädter Ferienkurse (2012 & 2014), Ultima Oslo Contemporary Music Festival (2012 & 2014), Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (2013), el nicho aural, Mexico City (2014) Akousma, Montreal (2014), Instants Chavirés, Paris (2013 &2014), Cafe Oto, London (2014)

Having developed her very own language, the Swedish sound artist and composer Hanna Hartman creates compositions that are exclusively made up from authentic sounds which she has recorded around the world. Sounds are taken out of their original context and thus perceived in their purity. Hanna Hartman seeks to reveal hidden correspondences between the most diverse auditive impressions and in new constellations she creates extraordinary worlds of sound.