9th Electro Series - Perpignan



Quasar continues its exploration of the world of sound in the digital age, presenting four creations for saxophones and electroacoustic audio and video devices. Four composers at the heart of contemporary music have teamed up with Quasar's musicians to explore the many fascinating possibilities offered by the encounter between acoustic instruments and technology. Real-time sound processing, electronic soundtracks, video, spatialization and virtual identities are just some of the ways they explore the world of sound, offering audiences an immersive, sensitive and powerful experience. A not-to-be-missed event on the new music scene.

A week-long residency is at the heart of the series' artistic approach. It's a place for research, experimentation and exchange, culminating in a workshop open to the general public. Workshops during the week are open on request to the CIRMMT and McGill communities.

Since 2013, the Series has been co-produced with CIRMMT, optimizing the conditions for research and creation. The series has won two Opus awards from the Conseil québécois de la musique.

For this edition, Quasar joins forces with Ensemble FlashBack for a two-part Electro Series, one in Montreal and the other in Perpignan, where a visual component will be added to the constantly evolving project.

Concert presented in co-production with Flashback.

With the participation of:
Thomas Pénanguer

25 May 2024

La Casa Musicale

La Casa Musicale
Rue Jean Vielledent
66000 Perpignan

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