Montreal, March 13, 2023 - Quasar is heading to the United States and Nova Scotia in the coming weeks! Concerts, workshops and master classes are on the agenda.


13.03 - Concert at Bryan Recital Hall
Program: Claude Vivier, Émilie Girard-Charest, Snezana Nesic, Iannis Xenakis and Gordon Williamson

14.03 - Workshops and masterclasses

Intercontinental Dialogues: Eleven live musicians in Montreal, Bergen and Freiburg invite you to live the unique experience of technology-assisted musical creation!

Montreal, February 27 2023 – As part of the 11th edition of the Montreal/New Musics F

Montreal, February 13, 2023 - In celebration of the Conseil québécois de la musique's mention of excellence for our webcast concert CHALEURS, we have decided to make it available again, this time for free on the Vimeo platform, for a limited time only.

The 50-minute concert is available from now until February 20th inclusively. Discover or rediscover this colossal work by Walter Boudreau in an original staging, presented by Quasar in co-production with Groupe Le Vivier on February 18, 2022 in the Espace Orange of the Wilder Building.

Montréal, February 6 2023 – This Sunday, in the Bourgie Hall of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, was held the 26th ceremony of the prestigious Opus Awards. It was on this occasion that Quasar won its tenth Opus Prize in its career for the self-produced album Disque Bleu. Congratulations to the five composers and thank you to our collaborators without whom this project would not have been possible.

Montreal, November 25th, 2022 On this 28th anniversary of the founding of the Quasar Quartet, we are pleased to announce that we are finalists for two Opus Awards! Our Montreal-Hanover concert, in collaboration with Quatuor Bozzini and Groupe Le Vivier, is nominated in the category "Concert of the Year - Modern, Contemporary Music", while our latest album, Disque Bleu, is nominated in the category "Album of the Year - Contemporary Music, Electroacoustic".

Montreal, November 15 2022 – Quasar is leaving for a two-weeks European tour! Concerts, festivals, workshops and masterclasses are to be expected from the quartet.

16.11 : Grieg Academy (Bergen)
Programme : Dániel Péter Biró, Ofer Pelz, Gordon Williamson et Örjan Sandred